Chum and Annie YOUNG



Chum and Annie YOUNG

Chum YOUNG [楊本檮] was an active member of the Chinese communities before his retirement. He is the first registered Chinese electronic technician in New Zealand. He came and helped out in his father’s laundry in 1936. His wife Annie YUAN [袁貞德] is the first registered Chinese nurse in New Zealand. Chum started his own business of household appliances in Westport in 1947, then continued at 235 Onehunga Mall, Auckland between 1960 and 1983. He changed professions to practice acupuncture between 1979 and 1994. In sport, he was the boxing champion in Westport in 1939. His father William YOUNG Shack [楊石渠] came to NZ in 1922 with his mother. They were the first Chinese to run a modern dry cleaning business in 1939.

Chum has kept at home a few hangers from William’s shop and some stuff from his business. In the photograph taken inside his garage, I put together a TV kit set built in Auckland, a washing machine and a hanger among his tools and the shop sign from when he practised acupuncture.

Chum danced with Annie during weekends for several decades. It was until the last few years when Annie could no longer stand up properly that they stopped dancing. On my request, they danced again for a portrait inside the Chinese pergola that they built in 1994.   


King Tong HO




杨本梼在退休前在华人社区很活跃。他是纽西兰首名华人注册电子工程师。一九三六年,他来到这里,在父亲的洗衣店帮忙。他的妻子袁贞德是首名华人注册䕶士。一九四七年,杨本梼的家用电器店在 Westport 开业, 及后在一九六零年迁往 235 Onehunga Mall, 开业至一九八三年。而在一九七九年至一九九四年, 他转业为针灸师。运动方面, 他赢得一九三九年在 Westport 举行的拳击冠军。他的父亲杨石渠与母亲于一九二二年来到纽西兰, 在一九三九年是最早从事现代化干洗业的华人。

杨本梼家中保存着父亲店舖的一些物品及数个衣架, 拍摄在他的车房内进行, 我把奥克兰制的电视套件、洗衣机、衣架和他的针灸店的招牌, 放在一起拍摄。

几十年来, 杨本梼与袁贞德常在周末一起跳舞, 直至数年前, 因为袁贞德不能稳当的站立而停止。在我的要求下, 在建于一九九四年的中式亭内, 他们再次起舞合照。






楊本檮在退休前在華人社區很活躍。他是紐西蘭首名華人註冊電子工程師。一九三六年,他來到這裡,在父親的洗衣店幫忙。他的妻子袁貞德是首名華人註冊䕶士。一九四七年,楊本檮的家用電器店在 Westport 開業,及後在一九六零年遷往235 Onehunga Mall,開業至一九八三年。而在一九七九年至一九九四年,他轉業為針灸師。運動方面,他贏得一九三九年在 Westport 舉行的拳擊冠軍。他的父親楊石渠與母親於一九二二年來到紐西蘭,在一九三九年是最早從事現代化乾洗業的華人。



