SEW HOY Family



SEW HOY family

I was invited to attend the SEW HOY family reunion in October 2013. During the three days’ activities, I met and took photographs of many individual families. I shared their joy and fun but I felt I was a distanced outsider throughout the events. When Rodger OUDEMANS showed the families the diamond of Choie SEW HOY, that attracted many camera clicks. I was immersed in their exciting moments when the family members were clicking the shutter. It is never about the material value, I felt their emotions. OUDEMANS generously agreed to allow for a special photo session of the diamond on the table of a pavilion inside Lan Yuan. The diamond shines inside the original classic box, sustaining Choie SEW HOY’s heyday.

The family photograph at Dunedin train station after a KiwiRail scenic trip became an iconic photograph of the trip. It was an unplanned photograph suggested by a family member, after riding a classic train.  It was taken inside the classic station of Dunedin where the early Chinese settlers grew their roots in New Zealand.


King Tong HO




我受邀参加在二零一三年十月的 SEW HOY 家庭聚会, 维时三天的聚会, 我认识了他们多个家庭及替他们拍照, 分享了他们的欢笑和喜乐。但连串的活动, 感觉自己与他们有㸃距离, 是个局外人。当 Rodger OUDEMANS 向家族各人展示Choie SEW HOY 的钻石时, 吸引了不少人按下相机的快门。他们的兴奋亦感染了我, 不因为物件的本身价值, 而是它充满了情感。OUDEMANS 慷慨地让我在兰园、凉亭内桌上拍摄它。钻石在它原装典雅的饰盒内, 闪耀着 Choie SEW HOY昔日极盛时期的光芒。

但尼丁铁路观光之旅后, 在火车站拍摄的家庭大合照, 成为了那次聚会的标志图像。那是一个家庭成员的偶发提议, 在早期纽西兰华裔植根的但尼丁、在古典的火车站及一次经典旅程后的照片。






我受邀參加在二零一三年十月的 SEW HOY 家庭聚會,維時三天的聚會,我認識了他們多個家庭及替他們拍照,分享了他們的歡笑和喜樂。但連串的活動,感覺自己與他們有㸃距離,是個局外人。當 Rodger OUDEMANS 向家族各人展示 Choie SEW HOY 的鑽石時,吸引了不少人按下相機的快門。他們的興奮亦感染了我,不因為物件的本身價值,而是它充滿了情感。OUDEMANS 慷慨地讓我在蘭園、涼亭內桌上拍攝它。鑽石在它原裝典雅的飾盒內,閃耀著 Choie SEW HOY 昔日極盛時期的光芒。


