Mathew Odkee  and Paul Chew LEE


I designed and built the Percy Chew LEE family house at 262 Cashmere Road, Christchurch in 1974.  The Electrician was my younger brother David LEE.  The Chinese characters show the village name Chang Tup Gong.

Bike – My father Percy Chew LEE was a keen sportsman and won the South Island Championship Bike race from Waimate to Christchurch in 1937. He rode an original bike with wooden rims, rear-wheel brake, no gears, fixed wheel drive and a freewheeling hub.

My father took the bike on the Lyttleton ferry to ride up to Whanganui to propose to my mother. I restored the bike for our parents' 70th wedding anniversary.

Chevrolet 1956 Taskforce Pick up Truck - Our father acquired this lightweight truck (only requires a car licence) for the family business in 1966. There was always a fight between us siblings to drive it between the 3 farms.

In 2010, I built this Chevrolet 1958 Apache Taskforce truck from a wreck!   


Mathew Odkee LEE


Mathew Odkee  and Paul Chew LEE

When I was pondering how to photograph the wooden-rim bike and the Chevrolet 1956 Taskforce Pick up Truck that belonged to Mathew’s father, Percy Chew LEE, Mathew pointed out that the front view of the truck resembles the front profile of the lion of the Chinese lion dance. I contemplated on the pair of headlights of the truck and the pair of wheels of the bike. Percy’s eyesight (in one of the photographs that Mathew’s wife Rose showed me earlier) came across my mind. An idea then became apparent. Winning a bike race was a reverent accomplishment, winning a woman’s heart for life through biking to propose to her was such an enchanting romance. In the photograph, I feel like Percy is nodding to me through the pair of wheels and the pair of headlights, contented.

The photograph of Mathew and Paul is again a ‘family portrait’ of the two brothers with Percy’s 1956 and Mathew’s 1958 Chevrolet. Mathew has been keeping both Chevrolet cars running. It is possibly a way of keeping the ethos of the family.


King Tong HO


一九七四年, 我在262 Cashmere Road 设计建造了Percy Chew LEE 家庭住宅。电力工程由弟弟David LEE 负责。中文字显示村名为新塔岗陈家村。

自行车 — 父亲 Percy Chew LEE是一个热衷的运动员。 他骑着这辆有木缘轮、后轮制动,没有传动装置, 带有固定驱动和活动轮毂的原始自行车, 从 Waimate 骑到了基督城, 赢得了一九三七年南岛自行车赛冠军杯。

他骑自行车从 Lyttleton 渡轮前往 Wanganui, 向母亲求婚。我为父母的结婚七十周年纪念日翻新这辆自行车。

Chevrolet 1956 Taskforce 轻型货车 — 一九六六年, 父亲为家族生意, 购买了这辆轻型货车(只需要汽车驾照)。那时我们兄弟姐妹间, 总会为了谁开这辆车, 行走于三个农场之间而争论。

二零一零年我将残骸般的 Chevrolet 1958 Apache Taskforce 货车翻新。


Mathew Odkee LEE


Mathew Odkee  and Paul Chew LEE

当我思考着如何拍摄 Mathew 的父亲 Percy Chew LEE 所拥有的木轮缘单车及 Chevrolet 1956 Taskforce Pick up 货车时, Mathew 指出货车的正面, 看似中国舞狮的狮子前貌。我凝视货车前面那对车灯及单车的两轮, 之前 Mathew 的妻子Rose 给我看的照片里, Percy 的眼睛,出现在我脑海中。主意出来了:赢得单车竞赛是一项成就, 而骑着单车去求婚而获取爱侣的心, 浪漫迷人。照片中, 透过那双车轮和一对车灯, 我仿佛看到 Percy 满足地点头。

又是一张“家庭照”, Mathew 与 Paul, 两兄弟与Percy 的 1956 和 1958 Chevrolet 货车。Mathew 细心保养, 使两车仍能在路上行走, 或许这也是维系家庭关系的一种方式。




一九七四年,我在 262 Cashmere Road 設計建造了 Percy Chew LEE家庭住宅。電力工程由弟弟David LEE負責。中文字顯示村名為新塔崗陳家村。

自行車 – 父親 Percy Chew LEE是一個熱衷的運動員。 他騎著這輛有木緣輪、後輪制動,沒有傳動裝置,帶有固定驅動和活動輪轂的原始自行車,從 Waimate 騎到了基督城, 贏得了一九三七年南島自行車賽冠軍杯。

他騎自行車從 Lyttleton 渡輪前往 Wanganui,向母親求婚。我為父母的結婚七十週年紀念日翻新這輛自行車。

Chevrolet 1956 Taskforce 輕型貨車 – 一九六六年,父親為家族生意,購買了這輛輕型貨車(只需要汽車駕照)。那時我們兄弟姐妹間,總會為了誰開這輛車,行走於三個農場之間而爭論。

二零一零年我將殘骸般的 Chevrolet 1958 Apache Taskforce 貨車翻新。

Mathew Odkee LEE


Mathew Odkee  and Paul Chew LEE

當我思考着如何拍攝 Mathew 的父親 Percy Chew LEE 所擁有的木輪緣單車及 Chevrolet 1956 Taskforce Pick up 貨車時, Mathew 指出貨車的正面, 看似中國舞獅的獅子前貌。我凝視貨車前面那對車燈及單車的兩輪, 之前 Mathew 的妻子Rose 給我看的照片裏, Percy 的眼睛,出現在我腦海中。主意出來了:贏得單車競賽是一項成就, 而騎著單車去求婚而獲取愛侶的心, 浪漫迷人。照片中, 透過那雙車輪和一對車燈, 我彷彿看到Percy滿足地點頭。

又是一張「家庭照」, Mathew 與 Paul, 兩兄弟與Percy 的 1956和1958 Chevrolet 貨車。Mathew 細心保養, 使兩車仍能在路上行走, 或許這也是維繫家庭關係的一種方式。

