Henry AH KEW Family



Henry AH KEW Family

I first met Ngawai PARATA and Janine BACICA at David WONG’s public talk on Chinese history in Auckland several years ago. They are the granddaughters of Henry AH KEW, the first Chinese lawyer in New Zealand. His great-granddaughter Italia is studying at law school and is interested to further explore Henry’s history. At Ngawai’s home, I photographed Henry’s graduation certificate, which is proudly hanging on the wall of her lounge, with one of Henry’s Chinese objects Guanyin [觀音] in the foreground.

The portrait of the two families and their sons and daughters enlightens me about what a family should be — when you feel cosy at home.

Until now, I have never met Henry’s son Brian AH KEW. I wish that one day I might be able to take a photograph of Brian in front of a portrait painting of Henry at his home.


King Tong HO



Henry AH KEW 家族

数年前我首次遇见 Ngawai PARATA 和Janine BACICA, 是在奥克兰黄德衞的华裔历史讲座中,她们是首名纽西兰华裔律师 Henry AH KEW 的孙女儿。他的曾孙女 Italia, 当时正读法律,对探索 Henry 的历史很有兴趣。在 Ngawai 的家, Henry 的毕业证书, 荣耀地高挂在客厅中,我把 Henry 家传的中国物品[观音], 放在证书前面拍照。

两个家庭及他们儿女们的肖像, 启示了我对家的意义 — 在家感到舒适。

至今, 我仍未能与 Henry 的儿子 Brian AH KEW 见面, 期望有一天能在 Brian 的家、Henry 的绘像前、替 Brian 拍照。





Henry AH KEW 家族

數年前我首次遇見 Ngawai PARATA 和Janine BACICA, 是在奧克蘭黃德衞的華裔歷史講座中,她們是首名紐西蘭華裔律師 Henry AH KEW 的孫女兒。他的曾孫女 Italia, 當時正讀法律,對探索 Henry 的歷史很有興趣。在 Ngawai 的家, Henry 的畢業證書, 榮耀地高掛在客廳中,我把 Henry 家傳的中國物品[觀音], 放在證書前面拍照。

兩個家庭及他們兒女們的肖像, 啟示了我對家的意義 — 在家感到舒適。

至今, 我仍未能與 Henry 的兒子 Brian AH KEW 見面, 期望有一天能在 Brian 的家、Henry 的繪像前、替 Brian 拍照。

