Meng and Ying FOON


Dad (NG Kwok Wing, 伍光榮) arrived in New Zealand in 1940. He had experienced the loud guns of the Japanese invading Guangzhou, China. He bought himself a 22 rifle and was prepared to defend New Zealand. He bought the jacket to keep warm during early morning and night in the dark depths of winter while he voluntarily patrolled the beach.

Mum (YUNG Toy Yuk) arrived in New Zealand in 1953. Her pink gumboots showed a journey of hard work. The gumboots were worn for chores near the home like getting veggies from the garden for tea, feeding the ducks and chickens, and hanging out the washing. Mum and dad bought fowls and they killed and plucked them for their Chinese friends who visited regularly. The gumboots had kept her feet warm and dry. We owe a lot to those gumboots, memories of love for us.




Meng and Ying FOON

I had suggested to Gisborne Mayor Meng FOON [廖振明] for a lengthy time to photograph him and his wife Ying (nee WING) being illuminated by the world’s first light of the day before I visited him. We knew that it would be a challenging shot as we had to arrive at the spot in total darkness and waited for the transient moment. The late evening before the shot, I arrived at Gisborne and rushed out to find a location with Meng, which we had (the other side of Moanna Road, Gisborne, overseeing the beach with the sunrise on the left side of the photograph). Weather forecast was not in favour of us and fortunately we were blessed on the next day that the first light hit through the cloud for about ten minutes before shying away. This photograph of their ‘selfie’ was my spontaneous click when they were having fun while waiting for me to set up the shot.

When I discussed with Meng and his wife Ying FOON (nee WING) about photographing objects of their families, Ying phoned her sister Jane and they both recalled a pair of their mum’s (YUNG Toy Yuk) gumboot and their father’s (NG Kwok Wing, 伍光榮) overcoat that are tucked behind somewhere at Jane’s home. I made a bold call to photograph the objects at where their family once lived. The next day after the portrait shot (of Ying with her husband Meng FOON), we went there and the two sisters were so excited and moved when arriving at the home they were brought up a few decades ago. Until now, I still feel delighted with my decision. For me, the photograph, which was taken in the garden shed, is a ‘selfie’ of their parents when having fun.


King Tong HO


父亲伍光荣经历了日军侵略中国广州的纷飞炮火后, 于一九四零年抵达紐西兰。他买了一把二十二毫米来福枪,并做好了保卫紐西兰的准备。他在参与义务巡逻海滩期间, 买了夹克衫在漆黑严冬的清晨和深夜穿着保暖。

母亲 (YUNG Toy Yuk) 在一九五三年来到紐西兰。她穿着这粉红色的橡胶靴作家务, 例如去菜园采饮食用的蔬菜, 喂鸡鸭, 晾衣服等。父母买回家禽后除毛, 将其赠予经常来访的中国朋友们。这是一段艰辛工作的历程, 但母亲的脚在橡胶靴中温暖而干燥。多亏了这些橡胶靴, 我们拥有爱的记忆。




廖振明和 Ying FOON

在拜访 Gisborne 市长廖振明之前, 我花了很长时间与他和他妻子 Ying (nee WING) 讨论在每天世界第一缕曙光的照耀下拍一张合照。我们知道这将会是一个挑战。因为我们必须在黑暗中到达那里并等待那个稍纵即逝的时刻。在拍摄前一天的黄昏,我和廖振明在短时间内找到这个拍摄地(Moanna Road 的对面,我们可以在照片的左侧看到日出, 照耀整个沙滩)。天气预报并不理想。幸运的是, 第二天在乌云来临前第一道阳光逗留了十分钟。这张“自拍”是他们等待我作准备时而自娱, 我不经意按下快门拍下的。

当我和廖振明及他的妻子 Ying FOON (nee WING) 讨论拍摄家族物件时, Ying 给她的姐姐 Jane 致电。她们回忆起母亲 (YUNG Toy Yuk ) 的一双橡胶靴, 和父亲伍光荣 (NG Kwok Wing) 的一件外衣。这两样东西放在 Jane 家里的某个角落。我做了一个很大胆的建议, 去他们的老宅拍摄这些物品。次日在拍摄肖像后(拍摄 Ying 和她的丈夫廖振明), 我们在那座几十年前伴着她们成长的老宅拍摄, 她们既兴奋, 又感动。直到现在, 我依然满意这决定。我设想, 这张在花园杂物室中拍的照片是她们父母享受时光的自拍照。





母親 (YUNG Toy Yuk) 在一九五三年來到紐西蘭。她穿著這粉紅色的橡膠靴作家務,例如去菜園採飲食用的蔬菜,餵雞鴨,晾衣服等。父母買回家禽後除毛,將其贈予經常來訪的中國朋友們。這是一段艱辛工作的歷程,但母親的腳在橡膠靴中溫暖而乾燥。多虧了這些橡膠靴,我們擁有愛的記憶。




廖振明和 Ying FOON

在拜訪 Gisborne 市長廖振明之前, 我花了很長時間與他和他妻子 Ying (nee WING) 討論在每天世界第一縷曙光的照耀下拍一張合照。我們知道這將會是一個挑戰。因為我們必須在黑暗中到達那裏並等待那個稍縱即逝的時刻。在拍攝前一天的黄昏,我和廖振明在短時間內找到這個拍攝地(Moanna Road 的對面,我們可以在照片的左側看到日出,照耀整個沙灘)。天氣預報並不理想。幸運的是,第二天在烏雲來臨前第一道陽光逗留了十分鐘。這張“自拍”是他們等待我作準備時而自娛,我不經意按下快門拍下的。

當我和廖振明及他的妻子 Ying FOON (nee WING) 討論拍攝家族物件時, Ying給她的姐姐 Jane 致電。她們回憶起母親 (YUNG Toy Yuk ) 的一雙橡膠靴, 和父親伍光榮 (NG Kwok Wing) 的一件外衣。這兩樣東西放在 Jane 家裏的某個角落。我做了一個很大膽的建議, 去他們的老宅拍攝這些物品。次日在拍攝肖像後(拍攝 Ying 和她的丈夫廖振明), 我們在那座幾十年前伴着她們成長的老宅拍攝, 她們既興奮, 又感動。直到現在, 我依然滿意這決定。我設想, 這張在花園雜物室中拍的照片是她們父母享受時光的自拍照。

