Malcolm WONG



My maternal grandfather CHANG Chung Chong [陳全忠] came out from Tup Gong village [塔崗], Canton in 1904 and my grandfather WONG Git Way [黄結維] left Saa Tou village [沙頭] in 1920. Both paid the poll tax of £100. Mum Jessie WONG Chung Quan Gun [黃陳群根] came from a family of nine siblings and she is now the eldest surviving member of her family at 98 years of age. Money was very scarce when they were growing up. Mum was born in Feilding and Dad, Frank Bor WONG [黄海波], came out in 1936 just before the Japanese invasion. I am glad he made it out. The family has been involved with Dunedin fruit shops all their lives.

Without a doubt, the cleverest thing I have done was to marry Nicola and be blessed with two wonderful girls Georgia [黄雲錦] and Eleanor [黄珍錦].

As a youngster I never played with my toys like some other boys may have, having played with them I would carefully pack them away in their boxes. Perhaps it was my parents’ concern to look after things and make them last longer that also rubbed off on me. When KT asked me if I still had any old toys I found some in the garage which I had kept. The girls still played with the tenpin bowling game when they were little. It’s around 50 years old and my mother would be pleased to know it has been recycled by another generation.


Malcolm WONG


Malcolm WONG

Before I came to visit him, Malcolm WONG [黃君權], chairperson of the Dunedin Chinese Gardens Trust, told me he only had some family photographs for me to photograph. On the day, we talked about the contents of the photographs and when he showed me his portrait as a child, I was attracted to his own smile. You would easily recognise that he is the same person in the smiling photograph. I am pleased that I posed the portrait of him holding his own photograph with two smiling moments, the past and the present.

At the time, he showed me the toys he has kept for decades. I felt that he was a child in raptures about his treasures. When taking the photograph of Malcolm’s toys and family photographs, I waited for the sun to shine through the cloud to project the shadow of the bowler of the bowling game toy on the piano. Among the surrounding photographs, the one of his grandfather WONG Git Way [黄結維], who arrived in New Zealand in 1920, led the way.

Without light, there is no shadow. Light and shadow are an inseparable pair. Light shines and shadow radiates, bouncing between them are the charismatic memories of the family. Breathing life into things celebrates who we are.


King Tong HO


 外祖父陈全忠一九零四年从中国广州的塔岗村来到紐西兰,而祖父黄结维则在一九二零年来自沙头村,两人皆付了一百英镑的人头税。外祖父共有九个子女,母亲黄陈群根今年九十八岁,是在世子女中年纪最长的,她们在艰苦的岁月中成长。母亲在 Fielding 出生,而父亲黄海波于一九三六年、在日本侵华之前离开中国,我真庆幸他能到来。他们都在但尼丁从事蔬果店。

毫无疑问、与 Nicola 结婚是我最明智的决定,更感恩有两个优秀的女儿黄云锦和黄珍锦。年少时我不会像其他男孩般玩玩具,因为玩完后我会小心地把玩具放回包装盒内, 或许这是受父母保管物件方式的影响,使之更为耐用。当 KT 问及时,我便想起存放在车库的一些儿时玩具,保龄球游戏已保存了五十年, 两个女儿年幼时也曾玩过, 想必母亲会因玩具能留传给下一代而高兴。










 外祖父陳全忠一九零四年從中國廣州的塔崗村來到紐西蘭,而祖父黃結維則在一九二零年來自沙頭村,兩人皆付了一百英鎊的人頭稅。外祖父共有九個子女,母親黃陳群根今年九十八歲,是在世子女中年紀最長的,她們在艱苦的歲月中成長。母親在 Fielding 出生,而父親黄海波於一九三六年、在日本侵華之前離開中國,我真慶幸他能到來。他們都在但尼丁從事蔬果店。

毫無疑問、與 Nicola 結婚是我最明智的決定,更感恩有兩個優秀的女兒黄雲錦和黄珍錦。年少時我不會像其他男孩般玩玩具,因爲玩完後我會小心地把玩具放回包裝盒內, 或許這是受父母保管物件方式的影響,使之更為耐用。當KT 問及時,我便想起存放在車庫的一些兒時玩具,保齡球遊戲已保存了五十年, 兩個女兒年幼時也曾玩過, 想必母親會因玩具能留傳給下一代而高興。







